What Will Happen When the Affordable Care Act is Repealed?

There are many benefits to the ACA and they have helped almost all Americans whether you have private insurance or are covered under the ACA.

*First, your young adult children can stay on their parent’s insurance until the age of 26.

*Pre-existing conditions are covered, this means if you are insured through your employer and want to change jobs, your pre-existing condition will be covered under your new insurance.

*Women can no longer be charged up to 80% more for insurance premiums than men are.

*Mental health conditions must be covered the same as medical health conditions.

*Free preventive care.

*Tax breaks for small employers.

*Prescription discounts for seniors.

*Birth control coverage.

*No annual or lifetime maximum benefit.

*Your insurance company can no longer drop you for getting sick!

There are many other benefits, but think about what will happen when/if the ACA is repealed?  If you have diabetes or some other chronic disease and you change insurances, your diabetes won’t be covered.  Ever.  If you are hospitalized with one or two serious surgeries, you won’t have to be concerned about exceeding your “lifetime” benefit, which was generally $500,000, in some cases $1,000,000.  Imagine that you work for your employer for 20 or 30 years.  In that time, you could have a serious injury, a couple of surgeries, on-going care for a chronic condition….but you could quickly exceed your annual or lifetime limit…then the rest of your care is out of your pocket.  If you’ve been healthy and paying your premiums, then are diagnosed with cancer, your insurance company can drop your coverage.

The ACA has also created hundreds of thousands of jobs.  When more people have access to health care, hospitals need more nurses, certified nurse assistants, Nutritionists, Radiologists, Lab techs, etc.    In the county where I live, it is estimated that 3,000 jobs will be lost if the ACA is repealed.  Not only will people lose access to health care, but people will lose their jobs.  How does this help any of us?

The ACA is far from perfect, but it’s a giant step forward.  Let’s work out the kinks instead of scrapping it and starting all over.

Is Donald Trump Presidential Material?

Do we choose our presidents based on honesty?  Based on past performance?  Based on personality traits?  Based on knowledge of the world and current events and policy?  I hope it’s based on a combination of all these things. In the near future I will write about Hillary Clinton, but today it’s all about The Donald.

Mr. Trump says he will fight for the American worker…I think it’s safe to assume he means you and me.  Here is how he has fought for “workers” in the past (and don’t forget, the vast majority of the many products he sells are manufactured in other countries):

He’s been involved in over 3500 lawsuits, the vast majority concerning him not paying people who performed services for him.  Wait staff that worked 20 out of 24 hours during a days long event at Trump Tower, and had to sue him to be paid their over-time wages.  A construction company that built custom cabinets for one of his buildings and almost lost their family-owned (started by a grandfather) business, because Trump withheld over $80,000 in payments.  A family-owned business selling pianos had to take pennies on the dollar owed to them after delivering over $100,000 worth of pianos to one of his hotels.  The owner had to use his children’s college funds to keep his business going.  An architect who designed a ballroom for a golf course in Florida, again, had to take pennies on the dollar.  When he finally managed a face to face meeting with Trump (in the ballroom he had designed), Trump showed up with fifteen lawyers, in an obvious (and unfortunately, successful) attempt to show the man that he could not fight someone with such resources. How can a small business owner compete with a team of expensive lawyers?  How can a small business owner outlast someone who can easily afford to spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting lawsuits?  The most interesting thing is that Trump’s own lawyers, who defended him in many of these lawsuits, had to sue to get their payments.  It’s Trump’s standard business practice to refuse paying those who work for him.  And just this week, while claiming he will bring jobs to America, it’s been revealed that he has hired 78 foreign workers for Mar-A-Lago, his club in Florida.  These are gardeners, cooks, dishwashers, wait staff, housekeepers….and he claimed that he couldn’t get anyone else to do those jobs.  Apparently, there are NO unemployed Americans in Florida!

He also claims that he “will be good for women”.  Are these the same women he refers to as “fat pigs” and “dogs?”  He recently said that “there must be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions.  Keep in mind, that when he was with girlfriend Marla Maples (while still married to Ivana) and she revealed that she was pregnant, his response was “what are you going to do about it?”  Some years ago he was pro-choice.  It’s a matter of record that he spoke out in favor of a woman’s right to choose.  But I recently heard him explain why he has changed his mind about that.  He said that some friends of his experienced an unplanned pregnancy several years ago and had considered an abortion.  But they decided not to do that and now the child they have is, according to Trump, “a superstar!”  So, in his mind, because that worked out for his friends, it should work out for every woman.  I think it’s safe to assume that his friends were people of a comfortable financial status.  Their situation is different from low-income women who choose to end a pregnancy.  Money does make a difference.

Would he be “good for women” who aren’t beautiful?  Because he seems to believe the only value women have is their looks and bodies.  Remember his comment about Carly Fiorina?  “Look at that face, who would vote for that face?”  Remember him tweeting a picture of his wife (and yes, she is very beautiful) next to an unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz and telling Ted to be careful or “I will spill the beans on Heidi”.  What did he mean by that?  Does he know some deep, dark secret of Heidi’s?  Or do words just spill out of his mouth without any thought behind them?  He commented several years ago that “it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’ve got a beautiful piece of tail on your arm”.

He has said he admires North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un.  He also admired Saddam Hussein because “he was good at killing terrorists”.  Hussein was actually killing his own citizens, he just happened to consider them terrorists because they disagreed with him.  And now he has encouraged Russia to continue hacking American e-mails.  Can you say “engaging with the enemy?”

Earlier in his campaign, he said “I like veterans that weren’t captured” in reference to Senator John McCain.  Remember, John McCain spent five years as a POW in Vietnam and endured torture every day.  McCain also had a chance to be released a year earlier because he was the son of Navy Admiral, but refused early release because he wouldn’t leave his men behind.  While I don’t agree with Mr. McCain’s politics, I greatly admire him as a soldier.  And what has Trump done now?  He has insulted the parents of a Muslim-American soldier who was killed in action.

Is there any veteran or current service member who isn’t offended by that?  Any of their family members who aren’t offended by that?  Any one American who isn’t offended by that?

Mr. Trump also has the mentality of a second grade school yard bully (and I mean no offense to second graders).  Who can forget the image of him mocking a disabled reporter, simply because the reporter dared to report that Trump’s statement about seeing thousands and thousands of Muslims cheering on 9/11, was false.  Most of us have been subject to some bullying at some point in our lives.  We’ve tried to teach our children not to be a bully.  And now our children are watching someone running for the highest office in the land…bully a disabled person.

As many sources are saying, Mr. Trump has neither the intelligence, the knowledge nor the temperament to be the President of the United States.

More to follow…